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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Weirdo Alert!

So, today I made a little stop at my favorite place to lose all track of time and walk around aimlessly...let me give you a *hint*- it rhymes with Shmarget :) Okay okay, on with my story...

As I'm checking out the racks of new fall clothes for the kiddos I can see out of the corner of my eye an older gentleman (in the kids clothing section), no cart, no items, and all alone. Ding ding ding...not normal. Then I catch a better view or him and he is wearing the shortest possible running shorts. Now I am a little more freaked out. He continues to walk around looking at things with no obvious intention to make a purchase-then he turned around and holy butt cheeks! I mean the entire under side of his booty was hanging out. Thank the good lord my kids weren't with me because I would have made a b-line out of there! But, seriously how inappropriate is that! 

Here is my question to you...
When put in a situation like that do you or do you not say something? Do you assume they may not have all their marbles upstairs or just run with the idea that they are roaming around with bad intentions? Would the way you react change depending on whether or not your kids were with you?

I was caught so off guard by this guy I just walked away as fast as possible. Some people just really freak me out. Needless to say I had that *gut feeling* that something wasn't right about him!


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